How to ping ip address in asp.net using vb.net,i have more than 20 ip address it load in grid view,if ip address is ping it show connected icon in grid view and if not it show disconnected icon.I have done but pining time is too slow if more than 20
ip address,here i put code for change the image icon based on pining address.
Protected Sub gvDevice_RowDataBound(sender As Object, e As GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles gvDevice.RowDataBound If (e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow) Then Dim imgStatuss As Image = e.Row.FindControl("imgStatus") Dim status As String = DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "IPAddress") Dim ping As Ping = New Ping() Dim pingreply As PingReply = ping.Send(status)'---->status is IP Address Dim reply As String = pingreply.Status If (reply = 0) Then'---> if reply is 0 it can ping,if other than 0 can not ping ip address imgStatuss.ImageUrl = "~/images/icon_Status-Connected.png" Else imgStatuss.ImageUrl = "~/images/icon_Status-Disconnected.png" End If End If End SubThe above code is works well,but it take long time to load in gridview,pls reply how ping fastly and load in gridview.