Hello Everyone I am new one on this forum and I need information :),
I am using following tool Project Server 2013 , Project Professional 2013 and Sharepoint 2013.
I have a following problem:
- I created Enterprise Project Plan Template and I added some custom fileds.
- I created Enterprise Project Type with my Template and with deafult with defualt project site template.
- I created new project on Project Server using newly created Project Type
- And there is the issue that this custom filed are not mapped by defult in the Sharepoint tasks list.
- I have to disable Enterpeise Project Feature, open the tasks list in Project Professional and map filed(with my custom fileds).
Is it possible to extend deafult list of automatically mapped fileds on project creation( default columns task name, start date, finish (due) date, % Complete, resource name, predecessors)?
Thanks for help.