Though I update only %complete of tasks, I get this error CustomFieldRequiredValueNotProvided
I looked into the error details, Its asking for a mandatory custom field 'X" as not populated
Analysis steps
1.Opened project in professional, verified all tasks have this field 'X' populated and the plan is also published.
2. Program is not creating new tasks but just updates %complete
3. When I make this field 'X' a non mandatory field, the code happily executes with out issues.
Seems to be a PSI bug. Hope some body from Microsoft acknowledge this issue
Now my questions is, how do i circumvent this issue till Microsoft fixes the issue ?
1. I call pjDS = projDS.GetChanges(). Shall I not call this function which will ther by present entire data set while updating.
2. Shall I look for all mandatory custom fields and again set their values to old value. Now I am not sure if this will help either since calling GetChanges will again remove these records in final project Data Set
3. I am sure some body else would have faced this issue. What can be the best practice ?