I am struggling to read the Status Manager ResourceUID for each Task in our implementation.
I can loop around each project and task in project - but can't find the right field for Status Manager. At least not in the Drafts area.
Any pointers please? I have seen posts on the web saying there is a bug and the field is not available - despite the SDK documentation.
My current PowerShell code having established connection to Project Web Service:
$EMPTYGUID=[system.guid]::empty $list_projects = $pwaServiceAssembly.ReadProjectStatus("$EMPTYGUID","WorkingStore","",0).Project Write-Output "Found " $list_projects.Count "Projects" $results = @() # Main loop # loop around the items in project table # loop around the items in task table # add a record to results for each task foreach ($project in $list_projects) { write-output $project.PROJ_NAME # 0 for drafts, 1 published, 3 reporting) $ProjectData = $pwaServiceAssembly.ReadProject($project.PROJ_UID,0) $Tasks = $ProjectData.Task write-output $Tasks.Count "Tasks" if ($Tasks.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($Task in $Tasks) { write-output $task $record = @{ proj_uid = $project.PROJ_UID task_uid = $Task.TASK_UID statusmanager_uid = $Task.StatusManager } # add to array $results+= New-Object psobject -Property $record } } }