Our requirement is to add Project Center web part on the Project Site and apply custom filtering to it on basis of Project Level custom field associated to a multi level Look up table on the grid load. We did find a link explaining custom filtering (Link) on Project Center Web part but this solution work only for Project 2010.
In Project server 2013 we did not find HandleFilter function. Project Center Web part in Project 2013 has a filter function but it is for internal use. Can any one explain how can we apply custom filtering on Project Center web part in Project Server 2013.
function Cffilter(eventArgs) {
var a = {}
var sites = window.location.href;
var len = n.lastIndexOf("/");
var myString = n.substring(0, len+1);
var stname = n.replace(myString, "");
a.ClientFilterXml = '<Filter><FieldComparison><Field>7806971e-9291-49ea-ba75-dd726faffba6</Field><Operator>Equals</Operator><Operand>' + stname + '</Operand></FieldComparison></Filter>'
a.ServerFilterXml='<Filter xmlns:pwa=\"http://microsoft.com/ProjectServer/FilterSchema.xsd\"><Criteria><LogicalOperator logicalOperationType=\"Nop\"><FieldOperator fieldOperationType=\"Equal\"><CustomField fieldName=\"27955ccb-860b-45ec-8722-dfb02e6a2dca\" customFieldType=\"CodeValue\" ISMULTIVALUE=\"0\"/><Operand LTUID=\"89417fcc-768c-47aa-aa4b-d71bd979825e\">8f8ecc68-ed8a-4bfa-89d8-424db1353a64</Operand></FieldOperator></LogicalOperator></Criteria></Filter>'projectCenterComponent.get_GridSatellite().HandleFilter(a)