I have the following code that works great as long as the "Resource Names" field isn't Null.
Sub sendOutlookTaskEmails() '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' ' REQUIREMENTS ' MS Project 2010 or above ' MS Outlook 2003 or above ' ' SUMMARY ' This macro enables users to select tasks in MS Project and populate Outlook email ' messages with information contained in each task such as Task Name, Task ID, ' Resources, etc. ' ' HOW TO USE ' 1. Select a task(s) by changing the value of the cell in the "Marked" column ' (If the Marked column is not visible then right-click on any header and ' click "Insert Column" and select "Marked" ' 2. Click "Send Email" button in "Custom Tools" in "Tasks" ribbon ' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' On Error GoTo errHandler 'Count the number of marked tasks. If no tasks are selected then exit the procedure. Dim t As Task For Each t In ActiveProject.Tasks Dim countOfTasks As Long If t.Marked = True Then countOfTasks = countOfTasks + 1 End If Next t If countOfTasks = 0 Then MsgBox "No tasks were selected." Exit Sub End If Dim projectName As String Dim sEmail As String Dim sUniqueID As String Dim sToAddress As String Dim sCCAddress As String Dim sInstructions As String Dim sHTML_Body As String Dim sHTML_tableHeader As String Dim sHTML_tableFooter As String Dim sHTML_tableBody As String Dim taskCellsInteriorColor As String Dim headerCellsInteriorColor As String Dim inputCellsInteriorColor As String Dim fontColor As String Dim fontFamily As String Dim fontSize As String Dim styleHeader As String Dim styleHeaderCols As String Dim styleRowCells As String Dim styleInputCells As String 'Customizable settings. projectName = "Small Business Online Banking" sInstructions = "Please update the Status field for each task as either C = Complete or N = Not Complete. Please also note the duration of the task and any additional comments." sCCAddress = "" 'Colors are in hexadecimal format. headerCellsInteriorColor = "#D9D9D9" taskCellsInteriorColor = "#ffffff" inputCellsInteriorColor = "#F6F6F6" borderColor = "#848484" fontColor = "#0B0B0B" fontFamily = "Arial" fontSize = "13" 'CSS styles for the HTML table. styleHeader = "'background-color:" & taskCellsInteriorColor & ";border: 1px solid " & borderColor & "; border-collapse: collapse; font-family:" & fontFamily & "; font-size:20;'" styleHeaderCols = "'background-color:" & headerCellsInteriorColor & ";border: 1px solid " & borderColor & "; border-collapse: collapse; font-family:" & fontFamily & "; font-size:" & fontSize & ";color:" & fontColor & "'" styleRowCells = "'background-color:" & taskCellsInteriorColor & ";border: 1px solid " & borderColor & "; border-collapse: collapse; font-family:" & fontFamily & "; font-size:" & fontSize & ";'>" styleInputCells = "'background-color:" & inputCellsInteriorColor & ";border: 1px solid " & borderColor & "; border-collapse: collapse; font-family:" & fontFamily & "; font-size:" & fontSize & ";'>" 'Create the HTML table header and header fields. sHTML_tableHeader = _"<table style='border: 1px solid " & borderColor & ";' cellpadding=8>" & _"<tr>" & _"<td colspan=9 style=" & styleHeader & ">" & projectName & " Tasks </td></tr>" & _"<tr>" & _"<th style=" & styleHeaderCols & ">Unique ID</td>" & _"<th style=" & styleHeaderCols & ">Task Name</td>" & _"<th style=" & styleHeaderCols & ">Duration</td>" & _"<th style=" & styleHeaderCols & ">Start</td>" & _"<th style=" & styleHeaderCols & ">End</td>" & _"<th style=" & styleHeaderCols & ">Resources</td>" & _"<th style=" & styleHeaderCols & ">Status</td>" & _"<th style=" & styleHeaderCols & ">Actual Duration</td>" & _"<th style=" & styleHeaderCols & ">Comments</td>" & _"</tr>" 'Create the HTML table footer. sHTML_tableFooter = _"<tr>" & _"<td colspan=9 style=" & styleHeaderCols & ">" & sInstructions & "</td></tr>" 'Create arrays to capture task details. Dim arrTaskID() As String Dim arrTaskName() As String Dim arrTaskDuration() As Long Dim arrStart() As String Dim arrEnd() As String Dim arrResources() As String Dim arrEmails() As String 'Capture task details. Dim x As Long x = 1 For Each t In ActiveProject.Tasks If t.Marked = True Then ReDim Preserve arrTaskID(1 To x) As String ReDim Preserve arrTaskName(1 To x) As String ReDim Preserve arrTaskDuration(1 To x) As Long ReDim Preserve arrStart(1 To x) As String ReDim Preserve arrEnd(1 To x) As String ReDim Preserve arrResources(1 To x) As String arrTaskID(x) = t.UniqueID arrTaskName(x) = t.Name arrTaskDuration(x) = t.Duration / 8 arrStart(x) = Format(t.ScheduledStart, "dd-mmm-yy") arrEnd(x) = Format(t.ScheduledFinish, "dd-mmm-yy") If t.ResourceNames <> "" Then arrResources(x) = t.ResourceNames Else arrResources(x) = " " End If 'Capture resource emails. Dim totalCountEmails, z, growingEmailCount As Integer totalCountEmails = totalCountEmails + t.Resources.Count 'If t.Resources.Count > 1 Then For z = 1 To t.Resources.Count ReDim Preserve arrEmails(1 To totalCountEmails) As String growingEmailCount = growingEmailCount + 1 arrEmails(growingEmailCount) = t.Resources(z).EMailAddress Next z 'End If x = x + 1 End If Next t 'Remove duplicate emails. Dim myCollection As New Collection Dim temp As Variant On Error Resume Next For Each temp In arrEmails myCollection.Add Item:=temp, key:=temp Next temp On Error GoTo 0 'If Not IsNull(arrEmails()) Then ReDim arrEmails(1 To myCollection.Count) For temp = 1 To myCollection.Count arrEmails(temp) = myCollection(temp) Next temp 'List all of the email addresses together. For i = LBound(arrEmails) To UBound(arrEmails) sEmail = sEmail + ";" + arrEmails(i) Next i sToAddress = sEmail 'End If 'List the Unique IDs together. For i = LBound(arrTaskID) To UBound(arrTaskID) If UBound(arrTaskID) = 1 Then sUniqueID = arrTaskID(i) Else sUniqueID = sUniqueID + arrTaskID(i) + "; " End If Next i 'Remove last semi-colon from sUniqueID. If UBound(arrTaskID) > 1 Then sUniqueID = Left(sUniqueID, Len(sUniqueID) - 2) End If 'Create table rows for each task. For x = 1 To countOfTasks sHTML_tableBody = sHTML_tableBody + _"<tr>" & _"<td style=" & styleRowCells & arrTaskID(x) & "</td>" & _"<td style=" & styleRowCells & arrTaskName(x) & "</td>" & _"<td style=" & styleRowCells & arrTaskDuration(x) / 60 & " Days</td>" & _"<td style=" & styleRowCells & arrStart(x) & "</td>" & _"<td style=" & styleRowCells & arrEnd(x) & "</td>" & _"<td style=" & styleRowCells & arrResources(x) & "</td>" & _"<td style=" & styleInputCells & "</td>" & _"<td style=" & styleInputCells & "</td>" & _"<td style=" & styleInputCells & "</td>" & _"</tr>" Next x 'Combine the HTML table header, body, and footer. sHTML_Body = sHTML_tableHeader + sHTML_tableBody + sHTML_tableFooter + "</table>" 'Open Outlook and begin building emails. Set OutLookOpen = CreateObject("Outlook.application") 'Create Outlook Email Message Dim objEmail As Object Dim objOutlook As Object 'Open Outlook and begin building emails. Set objEmail = OutLookOpen.CreateItem(olMailItem) With objEmail .To = sToAddress .CC = sCCAddress .Subject = projectName & " Tasks - Unique Task ID(s): " & sUniqueID .Display .HTMLBody = sHTML_Body .Display End With 'Unmark the tasks. For Each t In ActiveProject.Tasks If t.Marked = True Then t.Marked = False End If Next t Exit Sub errHandler: MsgBox "An error has occurred. Please ensure you have MS Outlook installed." End Sub
If the "Resource Names" field is Null then I get the following error.
Run-time error '9':
Subscript out of range
When I click on debug, the following line of code is highlighted.
ReDim arrEmails(1 To myCollection.Count)
What I want to happen, if the "Resource Names" field is Null, is to still create the email.
Please let me know if you need any additional clarification.