Our organisation mainly publishes from PWA rather than MS Project. I think we are hitting the same issue as in the question: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/projectserver/en-US/7a685aa3-0dcd-455a-bf27-4f5a5cfad53e/ps-2007-appears-that-calculated-enterprise-custom-fields-do-not-refresh-when-doing-a-pwa-only?forum=projectserver2010general
ie Calculated fields are not recalculated on publish. I don't know if they are recalculated when publishing through MS Project.
I have been advised in the general forum (http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/projectserver/en-US/858b78ef-dd10-4248-a479-e0626c33b7c9/when-do-enterprise-custom-fields-get-recalculated-or-how-to-extract-status-manager-from?forum=projectserver2010general#ebbf184f-a052-45e2-b9ce-f4cb5ae2605d) that I could pick up the save and/or publish event using VBA in the Enterprise Global. I have worked out how to pick up Save as an Event but can't find Publish - is it possible to just pick up Publish?
But most importantly - how do I force a recalculate of a field so that it will get posted in the Reporting Database. Is there a specific method and does the field need to be visible in a view?
Any pointers?
Mike - (experienced on VBA on Excel - very new to Project Object model)