Hey Everyone,
Being a long time 2010 and 2013 Project Server developer I need help getting into the REST way of doing things. I understand CSOM well, but it is buggy (see my other post here:http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/bc46720c-3da6-4ef9-b3ae-5c3c43bc42d5/csom-bugs?forum=project2010custprog). So I need to find out how to use oData for:
1) Creating projects
2) Updating projects (owner, name etc.)
3) Updating projects (custom fields)
I have searched high and low on MSDN for any sort of example and there isn't any. Would anyone be able to show me an example? (I am using c#, if you post a JSON or XML REST query, try to show me how I would send that using c#).