I am using SharePoint JS Grid to load my data from database. Each record of grid includes a checkbox column. The grid renders well but following scenarios fails:
In grid select a checkbox to select a particular record, scroll down in the grid untill the selected record goes then scroll up again, the selected record does not persist the checkbox checked state.
I am using following code to initialize the grid
this.Init = function (jsGridControl, initialData, props) {
// Assign it to global variable
_jsGridControl = jsGridControl;
_props = props;
// Delegate to handle sort
jsGridControl.SetDelegate(SP.JsGrid.DelegateType.Sort, HandleSort);
var dataSource = new SP.JsGrid.StaticDataSource(initialData);
// grid data source
_tableCache = dataSource.tableCache;
var jsGridParams = dataSource.InitJsGridParams();
jsGridParams.styleManager.RegisterCellStyle('TextRightAlign', SP.JsGrid.Style.CreateStyle(SP.JsGrid.Style.Type.Cell, { textAlign: 'right' }));
Please help if anyone has the solution.