I'm trying to add custom fields to my programmatically created task in project 2013. Tasks are created. Then I get them and load custom fields by:
DraftProject projCheckedOut = tstProj.CheckOut(); projContext.Load(projCheckedOut.Tasks); projContext.ExecuteQuery(); foreach (var task in projCheckedOut.Tasks) { projContext.Load(task.CustomFields); projContext.ExecuteQuery(); }
But the each CusomFieldCollection object has only 1 field (Health, because it have a default value and created automatically). But when I load my project in Project professional i saw more than 1 field, but they are empty.
Then I tried to add a new custom field to each CusomFieldCollection of each task.
var newField = new CustomFieldCreationInformation(); newField.FieldType = CustomFieldType.TEXT; newField.Name = "F_1"; newField.Description = "test description"; task.CustomFields.Add(newField); task.CustomFields.Update();
New field added to the collection, but when I update the project and publish it nothing is happened.
How to add a custom field to the each task and set it value?
Or how to attach enterprise task custom field to my tasks.
I'm using Microsoft.ProjectServer.Client.