I am new to Microsoft Project, We have a simple workflow requirement from a client and we are looking to use Dynamic Workflow to see if it is a feasible solution.
The client wants kind of a checklist(custom fields) at initiation stage approved by a manager before that project is created and published in PWA.
So I have installed the solution starter created the fields, PDP's, phases, stages and the EPT and the workflow ...
The problem i am having is as soon as i create a project using EPT(which has the workflow) and submit the first stage for approval, which has one PDP that contains field for project name and a bunch of yes/no custom fields, it creates a schedule and puts it on the PWA which can be opened in project professional(before a manager approves or rejects it).
It also sends a workflow approval to the manager, and once approved it goes to the next stage(which is expected).
Also if the manager rejects the proposal, the workflow stops (as expected), but the project is still in PWA and the schedule can be opened in PRO.
I know i am missing something real simple, but just can seem to find it.
Any help is greatly appreciated.