How can I get the Recent Task Changes in Project Server 2013 from SQL Server to Excel report. I need to get the historical information from comments/notes, dateSubmitted, and dateApproved like in task update page.
I have tried to browse through all tables in MS SQL Server (PWA Database). What I knew is: these information are stored in published database tables:MSP_ASSIGNMENT_TRANSACTIONS (Field:ASSN_CHANGE_DATA / TASK_CHANGE_DATA), and MSP_TASKS (Field: TASK_RTF_NOTES).
I got the information from https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/9f796268-0f7a-4750-941b-b520430430e6/project-server-2010-time-phased-data?forum=projectserver2010generalthat we could not convert any of those data into some useful text and produce it in excel report by project o data services connection. Is it true that it still cannot done?
I have seen another workaround from http://www.applepark.co.uk/getting-at-task-notes-in-excel-or-other-reports-from-project-server/ and tried it in my environment. The result:
But the taskNotes field just show the information or name of the resources who submitted the comments/notes on that task. Is it because different version of Project Server (they were using Project Server 2007)?
Thank you.