I have a project with references to Microsoft.ProjectServer.Client v15 and Microsoft.SharePoint.Client v15.
Code is based on sample from https://msdn.microsoft.com/EN-US/library/office/microsoft.projectserver.client.project.customfields_di_pj14mref.aspx
The code works fine when I do not include custom fields but fails with and un-handled exception when I do include custom fields.
I have checked the actual project in PWA to see if it has a value for custom field and it does. I fact this code works fine for 48 of the 376 projects on site and they are not checked-out.
I have also confirmed that I do have sufficient permission on the PWA online site
I have tried various examples but this is the closest to working.
using (ProjectContext projContext =newProjectContext("https://xxxxxxx.sharepoint.com/sites/pwa")){SecureString passWord =newSecureString();foreach(char c in"MyPassword1".ToCharArray()) passWord.AppendChar(c);
projContext.Credentials=newSharePointOnlineCredentials("myuser@mydomain.com", passWord);
projContext.ExecuteQuery();if(projContext.Projects.Count>0){Console.WriteLine(projContext.Projects.Count);for(int i =0; i < projContext.Projects.Count; i++){try{var pubProj = projContext.Projects[i].IncludeCustomFields;
projContext.ExecuteQuery();//Error happens hear and error not handled}catch{}}}}