i am trying to query reporting data to find all projects where owner name is not the same as the value of a custom field 'PreviousProjectOwner' and I use this link as an example
however, it is not working for me. I wonder if anyone may know what the problem is.
the code is breaking and i can't figure out why
ProjectOData.ReportingData ocontext =
new ProjectOData.ReportingData(new Uri(PSDATA, UriKind.Absolute));
ocontext.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
var projectQuery1 = from p in ocontext.Projects
where p.ProjectStartDate > new DateTime(2012, 1, 1)
//where p.PreviousOwner != p.ProjectOwnerName
orderby p.ProjectName
select p;
foreach (ProjectOData.Project proj in projectQuery1)
Console.WriteLine(proj.ProjectName + " :\tStart date: " + proj.ProjectStartDate.ToString());
here is the error message
the url is that is produces is this
and it gives an error when i try to use it in a browser