I have an environment with nearly 1000 project and the PMO just decided on a few new custom fields. They know the value they want and want the update scripted.
It should be noted that this is for a custom field with a lookup table.
I am having an issue with the update getting an error
Exception calling "QueueUpdateProject" with "4" argument(s): "ProjectServerError(s) LastError=CustomFieldInvalidUID Instructions: Pass this into PSClientError constructor to access all error information"At line:50 char:13
Eventually this will be puling the data from a CSV with both the custom field value and the project GUID.
Any thoughts would be helpful.
#Lets open the CSV (CSV is faser than Excel) #$ProjList = Import-CSV "F:\Proj.csv" $PriorProjGUID = "" $ProjectSite = "http://MYSITE/PWA" $svcPSProxy = New-WebServiceProxy -uri "$ProjectSite/_vti_bin/PSI/Project.asmx?wsdl" -useDefaultCredential #$EPMTYGUID = [system.guid]::empty $CustGuid = "2a7f87c6-b4b4-e511-9442-0050569a591e" $DropGuid = "9CCA38A4-B4B4-E511-9442-0050569A591E" $ProjGUID = "727CCF93-85B1-E511-9442-0050569A591E" $sessionGuid = [System.Guid]::NewGuid() $projectUid = $ProjGUID write-host $projectUID #$project = $svcPSProxy.ReadProjectEntities($projectUid, 1 , "WorkingStore") $project = $svcPSProxy.ReadProject($Projectuid, 0) #$sessionGuid = [System.Guid]::NewGuid() #$jobGuid = [System.Guid]::NewGuid() Write-Host $project.Project.Proj_Name "will be updated" $CustomField = $project.ProjectCustomFields.NewProjectCustomFieldsRow() $CustomField.PROJ_UID = $projectUid #$sessionGuid $CustomField.CUSTOM_FIELD_UID = [System.Guid]::NewGuid() $CustomField.MD_PROP_UID = $DropGuid $CustomField.CODE_Value = $CustGuid #$CustomField.TEXT_VALUE = "Execution" $project.ProjectCustomFields.AddProjectCustomFieldsRow($CustomField) $jobGuid = [System.Guid]::NewGuid() $svcPSProxy.CheckOutProject($projectUid, $sessionGuid, "Updating Project") $jobGuid = [System.Guid]::NewGuid() $svcPSProxy.QueueUpdateProject($jobGuid, $sessionGuid, $project, $FALSE); $jobGuid = [System.Guid]::NewGuid() $svcPSProxy.QueuePublish($jobGuid, $projectUid, $FALSE, $EPMTYGUID); $svcPSProxy.QueueCheckInProject($jobGuid, $projectUid, $TRUE, $sessionGuid, "CheckIn Update...")