I am trying to extract the MS Project plan to Excel to perform some actions requested at work.
I used a mass copy paste code to pull the contents:
ActiveSheet.PasteSpecial Format:="HTML", Link:=False, DisplayAsIcon:= _
False, NoHTMLFormatting:=True
But because of the 255 character limitation, the WBS Predecessor and Resource Phonetics fields when copied over were getting shortened and the ending replaced by "..."
In order to circumvent this, I tried doing a cell to cell extract using the following code:
Sheets("Staging").Cells(i, cReaName) = oProject.Tasks(i - 1).ResourceNames 'Resource Names
Sheets("Staging").Cells(i, cReaEmail) = oProject.Tasks(i - 1).ResourcePhonetics 'Resource Emails
Sheets("Staging").Cells(i, cWBSpr) = oProject.Tasks(i - 1).WBSPredecessors 'WBS Predecessor
This fixed the problem for Resource Names and Phonetics, but the problem still exists with the WBSPredecessors. Any idea how I can work around this issue, and why this fixes it for one, but not for the other?