I am looking to build a custom field that allows to view the overall WBS hierarchy of each tasks...
I am working with 2010 and it has a built in field (Task Summary Name) that tells me the name of the task 1 level up the WBS... you would understand that with many level in the WBS, this info is not relevant...
Is there any way to customise/VBA code or anything else a custom field in order to show the overall WBS???
1Summary A
1.1Summary A.1
1.1.1Summary A.1.X A.1.X.! zyx
in a typical Resource Usage view I would have:
Resource Name Task NameSummary Task
BobTask zyxSummary A.1.X.!
What I would like to achieve is:
Resource Name Task NameSummary TaskOverall Path (Custom Field - Text 1)
Bob Task zyxSummary A.1.X.!Summary A -> Summary A.1 -> Summary A.1.X -> Summary A.1.X.!
is there anyone who can help to do the "magic"? ;)
Many thanks