Some time ago we have installed Project Server, developed custom project workflow via Visual Studio 2010 and it was working fine. Workflow uses approval tasks between every stage. Now the following problem is occuring after the instalation of kb2598355 on the server (the sp installed ok, and the psconfig completed succesfully - no problems there):
1 workflow starts as intented
2. stage 1 is entered
3. someone fills all required fields and submits project
4. approval task is being generated
5. someone opens the task and click on approve
6. task status is updated to "completed"
7. workfow is stuck on "in progress" on the stage 1 instead of entering stage 2
Now, we tried the workflow without the approval task and it enters stage 2 perfectly fine. When clicking on reject workflow is also stuck. This issue applies to all new workflow instances as well as all old instances. We have been debugging the if condition element in workflow that check the actual outcome of approval task and it is being returned properly. What is more concerning is the lack of errors in system event log, uls log mssql log and workflow history list. What else can we check or do to repair this error.