I may be way over my head here but I want to get this to work and just need a foot-hold to get started.
I will breakdown this macro to see if I am being to over the top.
1. The Userform will appear with a textbox and a cmdbutton next to it, underneath will be a combobox
2. When users enter in #'s into the textbox and click the cmb button, it will filter out the resources based on the user entry.
3. The combo-box will then pull the filtered list into itself allowing the user to see only the resources they filtered for
4. Next to the combo box will be a button "Add to task" that will add the currently selected resource to the task (I think I figured this one out)
My reasoning is I have a resource pool with over 2000 people and using the standard drop down menu within project is very tedious and takes a bit to load each time.
My biggest challenge right now is to have the cmd button filter the resources and have them pulled in, not sure how to keep the resources filtered as I pull them into the combo box or if this is even possible.
Any information to get me going would be greatly appreciated.