I have just had to reinstall win7 on my PC, while it is by no means a hard job it is time consuming. By the time win7 has installed and i have put all my different application back, installed drivers for printer/cameras different devices ect quite a few hours has passed. Watching pain dry is better....just. I also get the call from the wife "will you be long".
I would like to make a hidden drive, even a visible one specific for my needs of DVD that will have entire drive on it. It has to be bootable of course and install from what ever location is it stored. Most importantly it must 'install' my system as it was.
I have looked for hidden drive types of installation but they require a boot menu. Everything i have seen will backup your drive but it will not install your complete system from a source, you have to have an operating system installed first.
Ideally i would like a means to do this like manufacturers have where by you can access either a drive or DVD's to do this. I would prefer the hidden (or visible) drive to do this.
If i have driveled on a bit apologies lol not even sure i have chosen the correct location for this