Hey guys I managed to retrieve the actuals from an existing timesheet and edit some of the actuals within it. The problem is when I try to update the timesheet with these actuals. No exception is thrown. And the actuals are NOT updated to the timesheet in Project server.
ts.TimesheetDataSet timesheetDs = timeSheetSvc.ReadTimesheet(tsUID); for(int i=0;i < Dates.Count; i++) { try { ts.TimesheetDataSet.ActualsRow actual = timesheetDs.Actuals.FindByTS_LINE_UIDTS_ACT_START_DATE(tsLineUID, Dates[i]); actual.BeginEdit(); actual.TS_ACT_START_DATE = Dates[i]; actual.TS_ACT_FINISH_DATE = Dates[i]; actual.TS_ACT_VALUE = ActualValues[i]; actual.EndEdit(); } catch(Exception){ ; } } //prepare Timesheet line Guid jobUID = Guid.NewGuid(); timeSheetSvc.PrepareTimesheetLine(tsUID, ref timesheetDs, new Guid[] { tsLineUID }); timeSheetSvc.QueueUpdateTimesheet(jobUID, tsUID, timesheetDs);
Anyone have an idea as to the problem?