Hello All,
I'm looking for help to create a flag type column that would allow me to "tag" certain tasks to roll up a custom graphical indicator column I have set up. The "stop light" column that I have customized seems to work well. However for reporting purpose I would like only certain tasks to be shown at the project summary level. The formula I am using for the custom status column is: IIf([Duration]=0,(IIf([% Complete]=100,2,IIf([Finish]<Now()+7 And [% Complete]<100 And [% Complete]>=80,3,IIf([Finish]<Now()=7 And [% Complete]<80,4,1)))),IIf(([% Complete]=100 Or [% Complete]>100*(Abs((Now()-[Start])/([Finish]-[Start])))),2,(IIf([Finish]>Now(),IIf([Start]>Now(),1,3),4)))) and as I stated it seems to work well. I am just unsure how to connect a flag type column to the custom status column.
Thank You.