I have to use Server Side Events to start some actions after the StatusUpdated event.
I wrote my event Handler, and it works perfectly on my development environment: standalone Project Server (contoso.com).
Problems start when I want to make it work on the production environment: it's impossible to register my event handler...
This Project Server instance is built on a 4 servers farm (2 WFE and 2 AS) and a DB server.
I tried the following things:
- Deployment in GAC through a WSP solution. After installation, my assembly, with the correct version, is in the GAC.
- Deployment in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\14.0\Bin\ProjectServerEventHandlers folder. On the MSDN, this method is recommanded for production env. (this method works fine in my dev env)
After deployment, I try to register through 3 methods:
- normal method in PWA
- Powershell script found here:
http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/projectserver/Server-2010-Event-handler-e72f5a03 by setting the EventID to 137
- Through the LoggerAdmin application found somewhere on a MS blog
No of these methods works. No trace on the ULS nor the Eventlog, nothing. I can refresh my PWA screen as I want, the Event list is definitively empty.
I also tried with an empty event Handler, or with another event...No result, and I think I will start to be crazy ;-)
It looks like my Project Event Service would not work for custom event handlers. I tried to restart it many times.
So if somebody could give my some ideas, it would be really great !
Thank you